By Ann M. Martin. Published February 1992.
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Can we just all agree Laine wins any bitch face game? |
Stacey is about to start her homework, but gets a call from
Laine instead. Laine is all excited about her upcoming winter break. She can
either spend all her time with her fifteen-year-old boyfriend, King, go skiing
with her family, or go to her aunt’s in Florida. But Stacey has a WAY better
idea, y’all. Laine could come to Stoneybrook! Because who wouldn’t prefer small
town Connecticut to those other options? Especially someone like Laine. Laine
sounds really hesitant, but Stacey doesn’t really give her a chance to say no.
Stacey’s excited to share her news at the BSC meeting, and
Mary Anne points out she’ll be there for the Valentine’s Dance on the
thirteenth. Mal says Ben is taking her. Stacey says she sounds surprised, then
snarks that when you’re eleven you don’t expect relationships to last long.
Yes, Stacey, as compared to the super serious, drawn out relationships of
Kristy gets a Great Idea™. They’ll have a Valentine’s party
for all the kids. Yay. They decide to have it be a masquerade. Not with masks,
but making valentines for everyone signed in a code. Yay.
Stacey and Mal sit for the Pike clan, and, because Claudia
hasn’t started on the invitations for the party yet, they set up a Pike
sweatshop. Except for Nicky. He’s hidden up in his room, and Stacey finds him
working on a secret valentine for his crush. The only hint he gives is that
she’s in second grade.
The day of Laine’s arrival, Stacey’s kind of freaking out,
going around hiding everything Laine might deem dorky or tacky. Laine is
unimpressed driving through Stoneybrook; she wonders where the town is. That
night, they have a sleepover with the BSC, and Laine seems bored out of her
mind. The others are all doing their hair and whatnot, and Laine asks what
they’re going to do that night. They’re like, Ummm, we’re doing it. But then
everyone, including Laine, gets excited to watch To Kill a Mockingbird.
Claudia has a job with the Arnold twins. There’s almost a
whole page describing how they don’t dress identical anymore, with no mention
of the help Mal gave them. Ann hates Mal. Boo. Anyway, they make valentines.
Carolyn has a secret crush that she makes one for. He’s in third grade. GOSH WHERE
Stacey gets permission to bring Laine to school one day.
Because of course, who wouldn’t want to spend a day of vacation going to
school? Laine is pretty bitchy all day, aghast at all the rules they have.
During lunch Stacey gets some boys to sit with them, but they’re idiots. Pete
Black just stares at Laine the whole time. And Kristy is pissy because Bart
called and said he might watch a game on TV instead of going to the dance.
That night, Stacey tells Laine she should ask Pete to the
dance. Laine calls him a dweeb. She wonders what King would think. He calls her
Babe, and she calls him Heart, btw. Eye-roll inducing. And then, what do you
know, King, or Heart, calls. Laine kicks Stacey out of the room. Stacey can
still hear snippets of conversation; about the dance, and the word childish.
Stacey thinks she must be talking about the kids they sit for. Oh, Stacey, you
can be so naïve sometimes. And then Pete calls to talk to Laine. She starts
giggling as soon as she hangs up. He called her cute and asked her to the dance.
She said yes, and then calls King back to tell him all about it. Stacey
eavesdrops, and hears her making Pete sound stupid.
Jessi sits for the younger Hobarts, and she crushes James
and Mathew’s spirits by telling them nobody else would be wearing suits, or
bringing dates, plus flowers for them. That’s what they were planning to do for
the party. They’re so disappointed. Jessi is about to get them started on
making valentines. But she’s interrupted by Ben coming home. Why?...
BECAUSE ITS HAPPENING, Y’ALL!!! The event from which this
blog got its name! So, here’s the deal. Mal and Ben were looking something up
in the card catalog. Mal wanted to search by subject, and Ben by author. They
argue that the other’s way is totally slower. The librarian tells them to shut
up, and when they try to explain, they start arguing with each other some more.
That’s when the librarian kicks them out. When they get outside, Mal yells at
Ben that she hopes he has fun at the dance, because she’s not going with him!
So that’s it. One of the dorkiest arguments of all time. I
love Mal and Ben so much!
On the phone later, Mal and Jessi wonder if Mal’s problem,
Kristy and Bart’s issue, and Laine seeming like she doesn’t want to go, might
have something to do with the dance being on Friday the thirteenth. Yes, girls.
I’m sure that’s it, and not just a bunch of teenagers doing what they do.
And then at the next meeting, Mary Anne lets everyone know
she and Logan are pissy with each other, because he all of a sudden has a problem
with Mary Anne not wanting to dance. Shut up, Logan, you knew this about her.
Laine asks if Stacey is planning on baby-sitting during the
summer. She thinks it’s about time they got “real” jobs, with paychecks. She
got herself one at some boutique. Yes, Laine, because in BSC land, nobody gives
a shit about child labor laws!
Jessi interrupts a fight from starting by suddenly understanding
that Nicky and Carolyn like each other. Laine can’t believe they’re discussing
the love lives of eight year olds.
Friday (the thirteenth!) Stacey comes home intending to hang
out with Laine before she goes back to New York the next day. Stacey wants her
opinion on outfits, and Laine paints her nails, being bitchy about where Stacey
got it. Then she says she’s fat, and says Stacey should go on a diet, too.
STFU, Laine. Stacey realizes she may not actually like Laine all that much
Kristy, David Michael, and Karen go over to Mary Anne and
Dawn’s to decorate the barn. Kristy says Bart is coming to the dance, but she’s
still mad at him. In her notebook entry (because I guess she’s technically
sitting) she bitches about Dawn getting on her case. I adore bitching at Dawn,
too, but all she asked was that they don’t fight, and to have fun at the dance.
Anyway, Nicky shows up to help, too, and I guess that’s the point of this whole
Stacey and Laine get ready for the dance, and it seems like
they’re getting along. But then Laine gets upset that they’re meeting the boys
at the dance. She says they’re supposed to pick girls up in their cars. Stacey
points out that not even King is old enough to drive. They don’t speak on the
way to the dance.
Laine’s pretty much just a straight up bitch at the dance.
What really sets her off is Pete wearing sneakers with his suit. They’re
apparently his trademark. Now, if they’re Converse, and he looks like David
Tennant as the Tenth Doctor, then hell yeah, rock that shit, Pete!
But Miss Laine does not approve. And she doesn’t approve of
the band, or the refreshments. She tells Pete she’s tired, but then goes to
dance with a new guy. Stacey finally snaps, grabs Laine, and calls her out for
treating Pete like shit, and tells her she’s sick of her acting like she’s
better than everyone. Laine says fine, she wants to go home to New York.
So Stacey calls her mom to pick them up, and then she lays
into Laine again, going down the whole list of wrongs she committed that night,
and Laine has no idea what she’s talking about. Stacey’s mom wants to know what
the hell’s going on. Stacey and Laine lose any of their “sophistication”
points, sounding like a couple of little kids. Stacey’s mom calls Laine’s mom,
and they get into it a little. Drama
all over the place! Anyway, it all ends with Laine on the train back to New
York. Deuces, Laine.
The Valentine’s Masquerade is the next day. The kids play a
game first, and then eat. Then it’s time to open their valentines. Everyone
watches Nicky and Carolyn closely, but neither of them gives the big reaction
the girls were expecting. Stacey goes over to Nicky to see what the deal is,
and finds a regular card from Carolyn, and a really nice one from Marilyn. Then
Nicky runs over to Carolyn, grabs the card she’s holding, and demands to know
why she has it. Turns out Nicky got the twins mixed up. Smooth, Nicky. And
Carolyn’s actual older man is James Hobart. Everyone seems in eight-year-old
love. So it’s deemed a successful party.
Stacey’s still feeling weird about the Laine situation.
Claudia suggests that she needs closure, so Stacey decides to write her a
letter. She says she’s sorry they fought, but she’s not apologizing. And she’ll
miss Laine; not who she is now, but who she used to be. I assume that’s
excluding the time when she was so strangely bitchy about the whole diabetes
Then, Stacey does the unthinkable, to an eighth grade girl
at least. She also mails back her half of a Best Friends necklace. Oh. Snap.
Now you KNOW shit is serious. But Stacey’s all like, whatever, I’ve got my real best friend in Claudia.
For once, they get really specific about dates.
Laine says their vacation is Saturday, February seventh, through Sunday,
February fifteenth. But…close, but not right. In February 1992, when this was
published, February seventh, was a Friday. And then because 1992 was a leap
year, it was on Sunday in 1993. Ann, you make me crazy. I guess it was to make
sure the party was on a Saturday, maybe?
I hate the word zooey. The BSC uses it a lot.
Ha, spellcheck says it’s not even a word. Good.
Laine insists on calling Stacey Anastasia, to
sound more mature, and it’s annoying.
WHO has so many fancy dances a year, especially in middle school? First the
Winter Wonderland dance, now this. The only fancy dance we had in middle school
was at the end of eighth grade, and it was a big fucking deal. All the other
dances were pretty much jeans and a cool top. But fancy dresses, suits, and
corsages all the time like this? What the hell?
So seriously, what happened to the nice Laine,
who was so great while Stacey was in the hospital, and welcomed four near strangers
to her home, and helped one of them hide a dog? It wasn’t very long ago. Did
she just change after getting an older boyfriend? Was “nice Laine” time just an
anomaly, since the first time they made up and now? It just seemed like a total
180° difference in her personality. But, I guess she’d done the same thing
before, from the horrible wench she was before Stacey moved, to the “nice Laine”.
Yay! The card catalog fight! I've been waiting for this book.
ReplyDeleteLaine really annoyed me here...not letting Stacey decide what her name is (people try to nickname me sometimes and I hate it), telling the world's most brittle diabetic to diet...But I still laughed when Stacey mailed back her half of the necklace. :)
Heehee, yeah, Stacey's subtle bitchiness there was perfect.
DeleteI remember this book but not the card catalog fight. Cool! We were supposed to think "nerdy" was a bad thing then, but now people are proud to be a nerd or a geek (which I'm glad for lol).
ReplyDeleteHell yeah! I'm fairly certain a lot of us here are glad for that!
DeleteIn Stacey's Mistake, practically the first thing out of Laine's mouth when she met the BSC for the first time was bringing up the big fight Stacey had with the BSC from the time Stacey was caught in lies trying to cover up the fact she has diabetes to spare herself dealing with people freaking and distancing themselves from her again. Laine's moments of kindness in the series don't make up for her being a bitch most of the time.