Thursday, January 30, 2014

Sleepover Friends #4: Patti's New Look

By Susan Saunders. Published 1988.

Those are some fierce slouch socks.

At the first sleepover, the girls are looking at a magazine. One of the articles is about kissing, and the girls practice on their pillows, and then their arms. Just in case these ten year olds see some action soon. Then they take a quiz called “Careful or Carefree”. Stephanie ends up being carefree, Kate and Lauren are in the middle, and Patti scores super careful, and it says she needs to loosen up.

The next day, Patti is determined to try new things. She buys an outfit that's nothing like her, and the other girls aren’t too sure about. Then at the soda fountain, she drinks the Secret Weapon, a mixture of everything they’ve got. She predictably gets sick from this.

The girls are all excited about a really big sleepover – thirteen girls – at their friend Jane’s house. They’ll being going to the ice rink together, and all the boys say they’ll be there, too. Patti almost can’t come because she’ll be having company for all of winter vacation. Her parents’ friends’ daughter from California, Karen, will be staying with them, while her parents and sister make college visits. But Kate gets Karen invited to the party, too. Patti says Karen is short, thin, and really quiet.

Turns out, Karen has changed. Now she’s a total hottie, and the boys fall all over themselves for her. Back at the sleepover, Karen has the girls enthralled, telling them about movie stars she sees, and all about astrology. She says she hasn’t played Truth or Dare in forever, but introduces to girls to the idea of Seven Minutes in Heaven, that she says they play in California.

Kate thinks something’s up, however, and checks out the magazine the girls were reading at the beginning. Turns out, Karen got everything out of there.

By the time the next Friday, and their regular sleepover at Patti’s, rolls around, Karen has Patti completely changed. Patti’s wearing Karen’s clothes, Karen has moved stuff from Patti’s room to the attic, and even changed Patti’s kitten’s name. But Patti confides in Lauren that she doesn’t really like it.

All of a sudden, Karen’s sister Lisa storms in the house. She is pissed, y’all. Karen had stolen a bunch of Lisa’s clothes out of her suitcase. All her “cool” clothes aren’t hers at all. And she confesses to getting everything out of a magazine. Turns out she’s just as careful and “boring” as Patti. The girls change, and have a good time playing a “babyish” game of Mad Libs.

o   Each of the girls did end up getting a kitten from the last book.

o   Karen says she usually sleeps “in the raw”. I don’t feel comfortable thinking about a ten year old sleeping naked.

o   Don’t knock Mad Libs, girls. Mad Libs is the shit.

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