Monday, January 20, 2014

Flowers in the Attic Live Tweeting Transcript

So. Overall thoughts on the movie? I thought the story was good, up until the end. It stuck quite faithfully to the book. Again, until the end. The acting was pretty bad, though. I didn’t buy Heather Graham as Corrine for one second. And Ellen Burstyn wasn’t scary at all as the Grandmother. She was more just crazy old lady than whip-wielding tyrant.

Here are the rest of my thoughts, live as they happened.

Ok, I'm ready. Got my Happy Coffee #Baileys

I pictured the attic way bigger than that #FlowersintheAttic

Don't seem so upset, y'all #FlowersintheAttic

Different name. No biggie #FlowersintheAttic

They're doing a good job of setting Chris' faith on Corrine #FlowersintheAttic

That "threat" made me snort #FITA

So far, Grandmother isn't scary at all #FITA

#FITA I really hope Corrine turns into the raging bitch she's supposed.

Suck up, Chris #FITA

Quit acting like she's going to be proud of you, Cathy #FITA

Well, they got the whininess of the twins right. #STFU #FITA

Bring it, Cathy #FITA

Don't open drapes, but laying out on the roof is cool #FITA

Stop it, Corrine! #FITA

Why is Corinne acting like she's 15? #FITA

That is SO not the swan bed #FITA

Heather Graham doesn't do angry well at all #FITA

I didn't believe you anyway Corrine #FITA

LMAO Chris is looking at porn #FITA

#FITA well you didn't really give her any answers, Corrine

Shit, they totally wussed out on that. I wanted the twins to drink his blood #FITA

They wussed out on the tar, too. Why? The incest won't bother us but fucked up hair will? #FITA

Pee on it! #FITA #readthebook

So she looked like Miley? #FITA

"You're outgrowing a lot of things" classic #FITA

That's some fierce bitch-face from Carrie #FITA

Yeah, Chris, you like, totes agreed to this #FITA

God, just hit us in the face with the foreshadowing #FITA

#unecessarydeerkilling #ohiguessitssymbolism #FITA

No Cathy whipping? Bummer #FITA

It felt good, so it's ok! #FITA

Aww come on, he said she looked like a whore in the book #FITA

#FITA seriously, an electric fence?

#FITA ok, do this right

#FITA well THAT was disappointing

#FITA Keirnan Shipka totally just out-acted Heather Graham

#FITA and Carrie just out-acted everyone in the room. At least she cared.

#FITA Poor Mickey

#FITA NOW you fight back? Jesus

#FITA doesn't matter anymore


#FITA So. That happened.

And thus ends our Flowers in the Attic odyssey. But I think I’ll probably be moving on to Petals on the Wind before that movie comes out. Which apparently is happening.

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